Every Web Hosting control panel comes with two backup Icons. These Icons can be found under the 'Files' folder. One is called 'Backup' and one is called 'Backup Wizard'. Every customer has the ability to use these as a way to backup your website. You can also use a free file transfer program or 'FTP' program such as Filezilla, to download copies of your website files.
In addition, we do our best to backup all customer web hosting accounts, hosted with us, on a regular basis. This means that it is unlikely you will ever need to do your own backups. Still we believe that customer’s should perform regular backups of these websites, etc, and that is why our Terms of Service makes data/website backup a customer responsibility. (So what we are saying is that while we will do our best, we are not actually 'responsible' or 'liable' for your backups, you are. So, if you have valuable data, etc that would be tragic is some unforeseen event occurred, them you should proactively arrange to make your own backups of your website files, databases, emails, etc, and store those backups some place else, such on your home laptop or computer, USB drive, etc, on a regular basis.) There is an old saying in the IT world that "Those that don't believe in backups - will!"
WRS Web Solutions Inc. Our company has been in business since 2010. Our websites include www.wrswebsolutions.com as well as www.wrswebsolutions.ca and a few more besides. This website is our primary website for domain names, domain name registration, web hosting services, website builder, website and hosting related services, and many other web solutions.
Please note that this website is fully available in the English language. Various parts of this website may be available in other languages. Support is available in the English language. French language support may be available. Questions may be in any language.
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The aim of this Support page is to quickly and effectively answer your most common questions/concerns, without you having to to contact us. Please click on a question below, or scroll down the page to read each question and answer.
What are your internet plans & prices? Is internet availability at my address? Do you have seasonal internet plans? When is my installation appointment? How will my modem ship? How to I setup my Hitron CODA-4680 Modem? How to I configure my SmartRG 808AC Modem? How to I configure my Hitron CGNM-3550 Modem? How to I setup my TC-4400 Modem? How do I configure my DSL modem? I do not have my full internet plan speeds I have a flashing light on my modem what does that mean? I have no internet please help? I received my modem but have no internet? How do I do a Factory Reset A Modem? How do I run a speed test? How do I open The Command Line? How do I Ping? How do I Change To A Faster Speed Plan? I didn't see a tech how do I know if my connection is working? How do I move my internet service to a new address? How do I cancel my internet service? Home Phone and 911 What is my monthly internet usage? How do I return a modem? What is your phone number? Do you have retail stores? Are you registered with the CRTC? How do I watch the TV shows, movies and the login to the CTV app? I have a different question.
While our website is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you may place orders at any time of any day, including on holidays and weekends, and the same applies to support tickets / emails, it is not always possible to respond immediately to all support requests, especially those submitted during the night time hours. We appreciate your patience. Please read this page before submitting a support request, as the answer to your question or problem may well be on this page.
If it is coax cable internet plan, please check to ensure the coaxial cable is securely connected from the cable connector on the back of the modem to the cable outlet. Try another coaxial if possible. (Different cable may impact the signal strength.) Try another cable outlet. (Sometimes only 1 specific outlet will be active in the customer's home.) Remove any splitters or couplers that may be attached to the cable line. If you are using a router with the modem, try removing the router and testing things without it (please note that we cannot trouble shoot routers).
We offer different high speed internet plans in different areas and over different networks, which usually means that our retail prices will also vary from one area to another, depending on the cable TV or DSL capable telephone network (we are paying for the use of) to deliver our services over. The Home page of this website is structured to help you navigate by province and then by Place name, to see the plans and prices that we offer in each place. Once you find the plan you like (and assuming it is available at our address) you can follow the link on that plan to place an order.
Please input your Postal Code in the text box below, with a blank space between the first three characters and the remaining 3 characters, for instance A2A 2A2.
Please understand that for Postal Codes the second character needs to be a 'number' not a 'letter', and in the second set of three characters, the 1st character is a 'number'. For example A3A 4G8, and the last character needs to be a number. (Lower case characters will be converted into upper case characters for you.) If you type the characters wrong you will be shown an error message.
If you get an error message, this means the Postal Code was either missing a space after the third character, or you have entered a letter where a number needs to be, or a number where a letter should be. Just fix it and then click on 'search'.
If you live in Alberta or BC or Saskatchewan or Manitoba or Northwest Ontario, and you have a Shaw cable TV line running to your home (active or not) then all of our cable high speed internet plans that we offer are likely available at your address, (but we do not provide Cable TV channels).
If you live in Alberta or BC, and you have Telus DSL or Telus Fibre Internet services then our equivalent DSL or Fibre high speed internet plans that we offer in AB & BC are likely available at your address (with the exception of some communities).
If you live in Ontario, and you have a Rogers coax cable line running to your home (active or not) then all of our cable high speed internet plans that we offer (over Rogers cable TV lines in Ontario) are usually available at your address (except in Uxbridge over Rogers-Compton lines), (and we do not provide Cable TV channels).
If you live in Ontario or Quebec, and you have a Cogeco cable line running to your home (active or not, and you are in the Cogeco 'two way area' which is most of their area) then all of our cable high speed internet plans that we offer over Cogeco lines (in that province) are available at your address (but we do not provide Cable TV channels or any sort of TV services).
If you live in Ontario or Quebec, and you have a rural DSL (phone line based, but not dial up or wireless or satellite) Internet service from Bell at to your home (or it is available at your address) then our equivalent DSL high speed internet plans should be available at your address. Our plans of the same speeds would not be any faster than Bell's plans of that speed. A dry loop would also be required if you do not have an active Bell landline service, but we can arrange that.
If you live in Ontario or Quebec, and you have DSL Internet service from Bell to your home (or it is available at your address) then our equivilant DSL high speed internet plans should be available at your address, (to the highest speeds we are allow to sell). Our plans of the same speeds would not be any faster than Bell's plans of that speed. A dry loop would also be required if you do not have an active Bell landline service, but we can arrange that.
Cheap Internet VancouverIf you live in the province of Quebec, and you have a Videotron cable line running to your home (active or not) then all of our cable high speed internet plans that we offer over Videtron lines are available at your address, (but we do not provide Cable TV channels).
If you live in Newfoundland & Labrador, and you have (had, or are able to have) Rogers cable internet (or Rogers cable TV) then most of our cable internet plans should be available at your address. If you have or (ever had) Bell Aliant DSL internet at that address, then our DSL 7 internet plans are available.
If you live in New Brunswick, and you have (had, or are able to have) Rogers cable internet (or Rogers cable TV) then most of our cable internet plans should be available at your address. If you have or (ever had) Bell Aliant DSL internet at that address, then our DSL 7 internet plans are available.
If you live in Nova Scotia, or PEI, and you have (or are able to have) Bell DSL internet, then our DSL 7 internet plans are available. We are not able to offer faster speeds in the NS or PEI at this time. We are not able to provide services over the cable TV lines in NS & PEI at this time.
Our Postal Code box tends to be more accurate in urban areas where Postal Codes tend to be assigned by street or one side of a street, and less accurate where they include a mix of urban and rural address spread over a large area. We do not own the coax cable TV (or DSL capable phone) line that we use, rather we ‘rent’ them. This means that if the local cable company cannot service your address for cable TV or cable internet, then we cannot either as we use their lines. If a Postal Code assigned by Canada Post covers a vast area of urban and rural addresses, and the local cable company only services the high density urban addresses and a few rural ones, well you can see how the result would say that the Postal Code is serviceable, but you may find that the rural address which you have never been able to get service at before, still remains unserviceable. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
We do not offer satellite internet, or wireless internet, or point to point internet. We use the cable TV company lines, so if the cable TV company can't provide you with internet, neither can we. We also use the phone company DSL capable phone lines, and if the phone company cannot provide you with internet then neither can we. We cannot lay new cable or DSL capable lines in places where they do not exist, we are not allow to.
If the home or cottage you are trying to find internet for, is completely off the gird, no utilities, no municipal address, no power, nothing, then we will not be able to service the address. If the home or cottage does not have a municipal / Canada Post street address, then it is unlikely that we can service the address, unless you currently have cable TV or cable internet (from the cable companies listed above) or DSL internet (from the phone companies listed above). We are not able to lookup addresses by legal land description, latitude and longitude, Grid references, GPS coordinates, landmarks, by telling us what is nearby, or by providing driving directions, (as we are entering an address into computer systems to pull up results, and those systems will not accept those types of information).
If the home or cottage you are trying to find internet for, is completely off the gird, no utilities, no municipal address, no power, nothing, then we will not be able to service the address. If the home or cottage does not have a municipal / Canada Post street address, then it is unlikely that we can service the address, unless you currently have cable TV or cable internet (from the cable companies listed above) or DSL internet (from the phone companies listed above). We are not able to lookup addresses by legal land description, latitude and longitude, Grid references, GPS coordinates, landmarks, by telling us what is nearby, or by providing driving directions, (as we are entering an address into computer systems to pull up results, and those systems will not accept those types of information).
If you do not know, or you want someone to take the time to look things up, then there is a paid service for that. The reason that it is now a paid service, is that it takes time, and lately it has been just too hard to get people to work for free, for some reason they insist on getting paid, so in order to be able to pay them we have to charge for the work that they do, which means that we have to charge you to have them look things up. So, for non-refundable $5 we can look that up for you, as best as we are able to. (Results are not guaranteed, this does not constitute legal, or investment, or real-estate advice, etc.)
Five dollars is not worth much these days, (try buying anything at a convenience store, or a drive through for five bucks, it does not go very far)! Besides how much is your time worth, for you to be making inquiries all over the internet to try to get some sort of answers? Likely $5 is then a bargain price. If you order this paid service then we would reply to you by email, almost always within 24 hours, and usually much sooner than that! (This service is not available by phone.) When asked to enter your 'address' for making payment by credit card (or PayPal account, and by the way we do use PayPal to process our credit card transactions), please enter the address that you want us to check (even if you do not live at that address). We will not check the address until after the $5 payment has been made and unpaid orders will be deleted after a few days.
We are not able to offer 'seasonal internet plans', or 'seasonal disconnects', or 'vacation disconnects', as such. You can still have internet just for the season, but you would need to ask us to end (cancel) your internet service at the end of the season, and you would need to order it again (new activation) next season. If you have rented a modem from us, it would need to be returned when you cancel. If you buy a modem from us, you can usually use the same modem again next time you order internet from us (unless the cable / phone company prevents us from letting you re-use that model of modem).
We will e-mail your the details of your tentative Installation appointment once we have them. That usually happens the same day you place the order, but it could be the next day. Then a few days later we will usually email you confirmation of that appointment, or advise you of any change.
If you are buying or renting a modem from us, it will usually ship from a warehouse in Ontario by Canada Post Xpresspost, either the day that you placed (and paid for) the order, or the next working day. The exception is weekends and stat holidays, as Canada Post does not pick up on those days. Within Ontario modems usually arrive in about 3 to 4 days. Addresses located further away, will take a day or two more to arrive. Xpresspost is shipping 'By Air' (over any long distances) not 'by ground' so the extra number of days should not be very many. The actual delivery date depends on Canada Post. You can track the modem shipment from the Canada Post website using the tracking number we provide, and if we did not provide it, please ask us (by email) for the tracking number. (In the event of a postal disruption modems are instead shipped by courier.)
Connect the coax cable TV line to the back of the modem, (it screws in to the back of the modem). If you have a cable outlet, then you will need to buy a short length of coax cable TV line to connect the outlet to the modem (unless the installer provided you with one). Please note that not every cable line or outlet in the home is active, so you may need to try more than one cable outlet.
To complete the initial setup, your CODA modem will launch the 'Easy Connect' use interface. You can connect to the mode by using an Ethernet cord (incldued), or by Wi-Fi using the information on the label on the back of the modem. The default user name is "cusadmin". You may need to enter in the web brower address bar in order to open the User Configuration menu for the modem. The WiFi passphrase you create needs to be written down (and it is case sensitive), as you will need it.
Link to the SmartRG SR808ac User Manual. One of our competitors put together a nice video on this, so if it is of help to you, here is the link to the video, or PDF Quick Install Guide. Otherwise, please follow the steps below to connect to the modem wirelessly:
If you have more than one active cable outlet (or "cable TV jack"), and thus options as to where to locate the modem, it is best located nearest to where it is most needed, or if it is needed by several devices in the home, then in a central place.